
Titleā€ƒ AuthGP


This tool is meant to be used as a geoprocessing service for accompanying ArcGIS Web AppBuilder widget. The geoprocessing service is used to send emails to users who are signing up, and registered users with a link to launch the application.



Parameter Explanation
Userid (Optional)

Publishing notes: Please leave empty while publishingThis parameter is supplied by the app using this geoprocessing serviceUsed when action = validate, to verify the identity of users

Usertoken (Optional)

Publishing notes: Please leave empty while publishingThis parameter is supplied by the app using this geoprocessing serviceUsed when action = validate, to verify the validity of user tokens

Adopted_assetid (Optional)

Publishing notes: Please leave empty while publishingThis parameter is supplied by the app to generate the login link for users who tried to adopt before signing up

Widget_configuration (Optional)

Publishing notes: Please leave empty while publishingThis parameter is supplied by the app using this geoprocessing serviceThis parameter is used by this tool to prepare the html table of adopted assets containing action links to assets

Asset_popup_configuration (Optional)

Publishing notes: Please leave empty while publishingThis parameter is supplied by the app using this geoprocessing service This parameter is used by this tool to prepare the list of adopted assets in login emails

Signup_fields (Optional)

Publishing notes: Please leave empty while publishingThis parameter is supplied by the app using this geoprocessing service in this format: { 'fieldname': 'value', 'fieldname': 'value' }This parameter is used by this tool to populate additional fields in user table as configured in the widget


Provide URL to the deployed application. Example:<virtual directory of app>


Action = login for registered users.Action = signup for new users.Action = validate to verify if usertoken is validAction = teams to get list of unique team namesPublishing notes:Select action = signup, and please ensure you provide a valid input email address that does not already exist in the table.Action = login, action = validate and action = teams, is intended to be used by the widget that supplies the widget configuration, userid and usertoken

Input_user_email (Optional)

Input email address

Code Samples


adopta, auth


Use limitations